New Web stage begins for Idril Consultores, S.L.
Idril Consultants, S.L. present their new website.
Integration What is it?
Integration is the process and result of keeping the parts of a whole together.
Hedy Lamarr
The actress who invented Wi-Fi.
Brian May
From guitarist of the group Queen to NASA astrophysicist.
Dennis Ritchie
Considered the father of programming.
Ángela Ruiz Robles
Inventor and precursor of the Ebook.
Evelyn Berezin
The computer pioneer who created the first word processor.
Katherine Johnson
Known as the human calculator.
For decades, Johnson, an African-American woman, was among the NASA trailblazers who went unrecognized.
Margaret Hamilton
In 1969 he developed on-board navigation software for the Apollo Space Program.